About Our Therapists
Together Peter & Lee-Anne share an inner drive to help people enhance their mind and body’s inherent ability to heal itself. Offering hope for those who may not have found it in the conventional healthcare system.

Peter Borham
Peter Borham, has been working as a medical radiation practitioner for 40 years using gamma rays, X-rays and Beta particles in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. His interest in the use of laser and LED light therapy (PBMT) was triggered when reading a book by Dr Norman Doidge (The Brain’s Way of Healing). He subsequently attended conferences and workshops which confirmed for him the amazing healing properties of light when applied in the correct doses and following clinically proven protocols.
Attune Health was “born” after Peter successfully treated his ageing parents and thus prevented the need for surgical intervention. His father’s recalcitrant foot ulcer healed completely following four weeks of treatment and his mother’s medial tibial condyl fracture and underlying osteo-arthritis healed sufficiently to delay the need for a knee replacement.

Lee-Anne Borham
Lee-Anne Borham, is a professional counsellor with a Bachelor of Social Science (Majoring in Counselling). After nearly losing her father to suicide when she was just 12, her father survived the attempt and lived until he was 80 as a wonderfully kind and compassionate man. This very personal experience showed Lee-Anne the difference one person whose life was not lost to suicide could make to the world. And so, she set to applying her counselling experience to suicide prevention where she worked managing Lifeline Services across Queensland for 13 years.
Through this extensive experience at Lifeline, she understood that many of the callers had struggled with childhood trauma, and that finding a way to heal these wounds before it was too late could make a huge difference. After feeling a pull to her original roots of personcentred care, Lee-Anne discovered the work of Dr. Jeffrey Thompson’s Bio-Tuning / Sonic Induction Therapy™. She knew she had found her purpose and trained with Dr. Thompson to become a certified practitioner.
She is now able to use this Bio-Tuning Sound Therapy in combination with her skills as a counsellor to hold space, listen, and be present to help clients process whatever is gently being healed by the Bio-Tuning Process.